Unknown said...


So bloody thorough! Ah! So happy and blissed out! I feel redeemed by reading out #PL SQL Interview Questions and Answers . Keep up the good work!

I have this requirement where I have to execute a sql query based on output of another query, something like given in example below :

Code (Text):

a=select to_char(sysdate,'DAY') from dual
if a='SUNDAY' then
select syadate from dual;
select sysdate-1 from dual;

Explanation - If output of my first query is SUNDAY then execute Query1 else execute query2
Any help is appreciated.

I read multiple articles and watched many videos about how to use this tool - and was still confused! Your instructions were easy to understand and made the process simple.

Kind Regards,
Irene Hynes

Unknown said...

Hi There,

A spot on observation on what probably is “the” underlying details of the plsql-interview-questions-and-answers.html.Too many people don’t even think about wherever there will be actual demand and more importantly what happens if this demand comes later (or maybe a lot later) than they expect

1) How can I amend this select to make a sum & group by a single line....

SELECT article_ref, status, total_amount
FROM order_tbl
GROUP BY article_ref, status, total_amount
ORDER BY article_ref, status, total_amount;

article_ref status total_amount
123456 Ordered 100
123456 Ordered 10
123456 Ordered 80
123456 Pending 50
123456 Pending 23
123456 Pending 50
123456 Delivered 50
123456 Delivered 75

And want the output to be
123456 Ordered 190
123456 Pending 123
123456 Delivered 125
It was cool to see your article pop up in my google search for the process yesterday. Great Guide.
Keep up the good work!


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